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Our Team

Dr. med. Rolf Behrens

MEDICAL DIRECTOR Gynaecological consultant

Dr. med. Andreas Hammel

Facharzt für Frauenheilkunde mit Schwerpunktweiterbildung gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin

Our Team of Doctors

Dr Rhea Wiedmann, MD

Fachärztin für Frauenheilkunde mit Schwerpunktweiterbildung gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin

Dr Regina Treutlein, MD

Gynaecological consultant specialising in professional training in gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

Olga Uhl

Gynaecological consultant

Jana Morales Felipe

Fachärztin für Frauenheilkunde

IVF and Andrology Laboratory

Doctor N. Teufert, DSc

Biologin, IVF-Laborleitung


Biologin, stellvertretende Laborleitung, M.S. Clinical Embryology, Embryologin

F. Hartmann


A. Brunnacker

Medical-technical laboratory assistant

A. Gütle

Medical-technical laboratory assistant

D. Günzl

Medical-technical laboratory assistant

I. Kunzmann

Medical-technical laboratory assistant

I. Naaß

MTLA, B.Sc. Bioanalytik

Surgical Team

H. Thoenes

Specialist nurse for intensive-care medicine and anaesthesia

N. Busch

Specialist nurse for intensive-care medicine and anaesthesia

Medical assistant team

S. Richter

Head of medical-assistant team

S. Flamma

Medical assistant

H. Breuer

Medical assistant

A. Reichel

Medical assistant

R. Rach

Medical assistant

V. Castro Zaldivar

Medical assistant

M. Greif

Med. Fachangestellte (on maternity leave)

B. Bader

Medical assistant

M. Hacker

Medical assistant

A. Schmidt

BA student in health management

Hormone Laboratory

K. Presti

Chemical laboratory technician

S. Flügel


A. Roj

Medical assistant

Secretarial Staff

A. Krutsche

Office manager

Commercial assistant

K. Moschos

Commercial assistant

C. Hühnlein

Commercial assistant

Cleaning Team

E. Merkel

Head of cleaning services

J. Merkel

Our Partners

To ensure the highest quality reproductive medical treatment KINDERWUNSCH Erlangen works together with reputable associates and clinics in the region. Find out more about our long-standing relationships with our trusted partners.

Thinking of a career

with Kinderwunsch Erlangen?

Be part of a friendly team, who are passionate about what they do. Do you want to contribute your know-how to our team? Or are you looking for an exciting place to acquire new skills? Tell us about yourself. We would love to receive an application from you