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Our Services

Our Services for you

Get in touch

Our friendly staff will be happy to deal with your request as quickly as possible.

Online appointments

Book your appointment quickly and easily using our online appointment-booking system.

What’s new?

We will keep you up to date with everything that’s happening in our clinic and with the latest corona-pandemic measures.

Video portal

Our fertility experts explain the world of reproductive medicine and fertility treatment to you here.

Egg-cell freezing

Egg-cell freezing is the freezing of unfertilised egg cells for possible later use.


You can download all the important forms and information for your treatment options here.

Overview of the costs involved

We begin by providing you with information to enable you to plan your treatment in advance and have an idea of the expected costs

Sperm bank

Information for sperm donors and couples who want to have children can be found here.


We answer the most-frequently asked questions about fertility treatment and reproductive medicine.

Our partners

More about the highly trusted specialist doctors and clinics that KINDERWUNSCH Erlangen works with.


Hier finden Sie unsere Stellenangebote und Informationen rund um Bewerbungen.

BKK Kinderwunsch

Die BKK Family Plus bietet umfassende Unterstützung für Paare mit Kinderwunsch und erweitertem Leistungsangebot.

Book your appointment now

Book your appointment now

Make appointments with us conveniently online via Doctolib. We look forward to welcome you in our clinic.