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Recurrent miscarriages

Causes and treatment

A miscarriage can be an immensely stressful experience for a couple. The average risk of miscarriage is 15% to 30% per pregnancy. Depending on the definition, after the second or third miscarriage medical professionals define this as habitual abortion or recurrent miscarriages. If you have been affected by this, you do not have to give up on your desire to have children. Extensive diagnostics often open up additional treatment options. The reasons for recurrent miscarriages are complex and diverse. In order to identify the underlying cause of the problem, detailed special diagnostic treatment should be arranged, although it has to be said that it is not yet possible to identify the cause in every couple.

  • Comprehensive diagnostics
  • Psychotherapeutic counselling

Possible causes of recurrent miscarriages

Recurrent miscarriages can be caused by chromosomal disorders in the parents, uterine malformations, blood-clotting disorders, increased immunological rejection or hormonal disorders in the mother, as well as infections. And it must be said that many miscarriages do not seem to be triggered by just one single factor, but there may be several abnormalities that combine to cause the loss of the unborn child.

  • Parental genetic characteristics resulting in the conception of a non-viable child
  • The woman may have hormone imbalances such as thyroid disease, polycystic-ovary syndrome, diabetes
  • Chronic inflammation of the uterus, although this may be unnoticeable
  • anatomische Besonderheiten der Gebärmutter: Myome, angeborene Fehlbildungen
  • Coagulation disorders in women
  • Female immune-system disorders
  • Reduced sperm count or quality
  • The mother’s age

Various methods are used to diagnose recurrent miscarriages:

  • Genetic testing
  • Coagulation analysis
  • Immunological diagnostics
  • Hormonal diagnostics
  • Spermiogram analysis
  • Metabolic diagnostics