Outpatient surgery at the Outpatients’ Clinic
We can carry out diagnostic and surgical procedures conveniently in the Erlangen outpatient surgical centre. Reproductive medical operations such as egg retrieval or embryo transfer are carried out in the specially equipped IVF operating room. Anaesthetists are therefore present in our clinic every day. Other gynaecological operations, such as laparoscopy (abdominal examination) and uterine endoscopy, and tissue removal from the uterus, are performed in the Outpatient’s Clinic of anaesthesiologists Dr Weber and Dr. Bernard in Michael Vogel-Straße in Erlangen (see also www.polymed-klinik.de).
- Surgical techniques carried out with the greatest care
- We work closely with the experienced anaesthesiologists at Erlangen Outpatients’ Clinic
- Tightly coordinatedteam of doctors
Which procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis?
- Hysteroscopy (uterine endoscopy), with a biopsy of the lining of the uterus, or removal of small abnormalities in the uterus such as polyps or fibroids, if that should prove necessary
- Laparoscopy (examination of the abdomen): a) Dissolving of growths, minor operations on the fallopian tubes b) Removal of damaged fallopian tubes c) Surgery on the ovaries, removal of cysts – surgery on the uterus (removal of fibroids) d) Dilation and curettage if there has been an interrupted pregnancy and bleeding
These procedures are performed in the outpatient surgery centre in Erlangen – the joint clinic of anaesthesiologists, Doctors Weber and Bernard.
What is necessary before the procedure takes place?
An appointment with the surgeon is required before the procedure. The length of stay after the operation is usually two to three hours. You can find more information and the contact address for Erlangen outpatient-surgery centre at www.polymed-klinik.de.